Now Proudly Serving Most of Palm Beach County!



No contracts


Eliminate Nasty Odors


No Cancellation Fees

Fed Up with Filthy Bins and Nasty Odors?

Trash and recycling bins can quickly turn into smelly, grimy messes that harbor bacteria, viruses, and even maggots. Scrubbing them yourself isn’t just unpleasant—it can also cause harmful runoff that pollutes the environment.

We bring cutting-edge solutions to the mess.

Using advanced, eco-friendly technology, our process combines a hydraulic lifter, high-pressure spinning heads, and 200º water to give your bins a thorough and effective clean.

Hassle-Free Sign-Up – It’s That Simple!

Our service is tailored to fit your schedule. Whether you prefer weekly, twice a month, monthly, every other month, or quarterly cleanings, we’ve got a plan for you.

On your designated service day, which aligns with your regular trash pickup, our truck will arrive to give your bins a professional deep clean. To show you the incredible results, we’ll even send you before-and-after photos so you can see the difference for yourself. Plus, we’ll text you a reminder to leave your bins out.

Problem Solved—We’ll Keep Them Spotless!

Our self-contained cleaning system leaves your bins sanitized, disinfected, and deodorized. Not only will your bins be sparkling clean, but your family will enjoy a safer, fresher, and healthier environment. Even your bins will thank you!


  • Monthly Service
  • Billed Monthly
  • 12 Cleanings

Trash Bins

$29.95/month One Cleaning Each Month (i.e. 1 Big 96 Gallon Bin, 2 Recycle Bins)

Twice a Month

  • 2 Weeks Service
  • Billed Monthly
  • 24 Cleanings

Trash Bins

$49.95/month One Cleaning Every Other Week (i.e. 1 Big 96 Gallon Bin, 2 Recycle Bins)

One Time

  • Scheduled Service
  • Billed per Visit
  • Schedule as Needed

Trash Bins

$79.95 One Time Emergency Service (i.e. 1 Big 96 Gallon Bin, 2 recycle Bins)


  • Quarterly Service
  • Billed Quarterly
  • 4 Cleanings

Trash Bins

$54.95/quarterly One Cleaning Each Quarter (i.e. 1 Big 96 Gallon Bin, 2 Recycle Bins)


  • 1 Week Service
  • Billed Monthly
  • Schedule as Needed

Trash Bins

$99.95/month One Cleaning Each Week (i.e. 1 Big 96 Gallon Bin, 2 Recycle Bins)

Every Other Month

  • Bimonthly Service
  • Billed BiMonthly
  • 6 Cleanings

Trash Bins

$39.95/Every Two Months One Cleaning Every Other Month (i.e. 1 Big 96 Gallon Bin, 2 Recycle Bins)

Trashing Can Cleaning Services for Smelly Trash Bins & Dumpsters

Did you know your bins are breeding grounds for bacteria, pests, and unpleasant odors? Regular, professional trash can cleaning services prevent hazards and keeps your home smelling fresh. It only takes one bag of trash containing common household items like tissues, napkins, diapers, eggs, raw meat, spoiled milk, and rotting produce to infect your trash bins with harmful bacteria and germs such as Salmonella, E coli, Listeria, and more. It only takes hours for bacteria to multiply by the thousands. And, it only takes one single touch to potentially become infected. We use eco-friendly trash can & commercial dumpster cleaning solutions and water-saving techniques to provide an affordable, guilt-free trash bin cleaning service. You'll love the results and the price!

Get Started


Binwizards provides professional garbage can cleaning services for homeowners and businesses in the Palm Beach County, Florida area. Our innovative cleaning equipment and process cleans, sanitizes and disinfects your garbage cans leaving them looking and smelling just like new.

Frequently Asked Questions